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The Bible Says!
Powerpoint Sermons...
1. Is God Dead?
2. God's Letter to YOU!
3. Where Do We Come From?
4. Why Does Evil Exist?
5. God's Solution
6. Do We REALLY Need Christ?
7. A Transformed Life
8. Born of Water and of Spirit
9. Do This In Remembrance of Me
10. The Divine Nature of Christ
11. The Human Nature of Christ
12. The Two Sanctuaries
13. Transferring My Sin
14. Using God's Hotline
15. Body, Soul, and Spirit
16. What About AFTER Death?
17. What About Hell?
18. Spiritualism
19. God's Own Finger
20. The Character of God
21. The Two Laws
22. Under Law or Grace?
23. The Day to Remember
24. Who Did It?
25. Probing the Future
26. Daniels Image
27. 70 WEEKS
28. The Spirit of Prophecy
29. Daniel's Prophetic Zoo
30. Revelation's Beast
31. The Mark of the Beast
32. The Signs of the Times
33. The Blessed Hope
34. The Second Coming of Christ
35. The Millennium
36. The New Earth
37. The Judgment
38. Every Weight
39. Thieves in the Church!
40. Death in the Kitchen!
41. Speaking in Tongues
42. Two Women
43. What's at Stake?
44. The Everlasting Gospel!
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