The Bible Says!
Lesson 8
The King is Coming!
Never has the world faced so many perplexing problems that seem to have no solutions. Your daily newspaper reveals a host of difficulties
that man is incapable of coping with.
In Saturday Review, September 2, 1961, Norman Cousins wrote, "We have taxed ourselves as we have never been taxed before; we have
spent as we never spent before -- all in a mammoth effort to achieve security. . . . Frustration surrounds us. Crisis confounds us. Nothing
ever really gets solved. There is always a new and larger crisis to sustain the sense of total alarm."
Where can a permanent solution to these problems be found? Your Bible holds the answer! Christ foretold the event that will resolve all
problems of mankind. There is no other solution!
During the closing days of His ministry on earth, nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus talked about the day when he would be crucified.
The disciples of Christ would not allow themselves to believe that such a fate would ever overtake their Beloved Leader. Christ knew that
they would need an abiding hope in the days to come. He gave them the wonderful promise recorded in John 14:1-3: "Let not your heart be
troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to
prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may
be also."
The fulfillment of this promise in the second coming of our Lord is the world's only hope. Let us study and see what the Word of God
teaches concerning this wonderful event -- the coming of our King!
2. What does Paul call the second coming of Christ? Titus 2:13
Is there little wonder that Paul calls the coming of our Lord "that blessed hope?" The Bible is full of promises concerning it. The theme of
His coming is referred to 1,518 times in the Bible. In the New Testament alone there are 380 references to Christ's return. An average of
one verse in every twenty-five in the New Testament speaks of His return.
3. While under oath at His trial, what promise did Christ make? Matthew 26:64
4. Why did Christ say that He is coming again? John 14:1-3
5. What is the purpose of His coming? Matthew 16:27 & Revelation 22:12
What kind of coming will it be?
A Literal Coming:
6. In what way did the angels say Christ will return to this earth? Acts 1:9-11
A Visible Coming:
7. How many people living on this earth will see Christ return? Revelation 1:7
No one will need to tell you when Jesus returns. You won't need to read it in the newspaper or hear it on TV; you will see His coming!
Everyone will see Him coming.
An Audible Coming:
8. What two great sounds occur at Christ's coming? 1 Thessalonians 4:16
The sound is so penetrating that it awakens the righteous dead! Surely there is nothing secret or quiet about this. Jesus came to earth the
first time quietly. Not so the second time!
A Dramatic Coming:
9. What thrilling event takes place as Christ returns? 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52
10. What will the angels do as Christ appears? Matthew 24:30, 31
How appropriate that the angels who have ministered to the "heirs of salvationt;" should participate in Christ's second coming
(Hebrews 1:14). We shall then see the angels face - to - face!
11. What will happen to the righteous living at Christ's appearing? 1 Thessalonians 4:17
12. What will the wicked living be doing at this time? Revelation 6:15-17
"The Saviour of men descends the blazing skies. For some it will be the fulfillment of every hope. But for some it will not be a happy day. For in that day, position, power, prestige, possessions, will not cover. Strong men, weak men, unprepared men, will actually cry for the
inanimate rocks to protect them -- not from physical destruction, but from the searching eyes of One whom they have neglected or rejected.
But from those loving eyes there will be no place to hide" (Destination Life, p. 68).
They pray, but it is too late. They hide themselves and cry for the rocks and mountains to fall on them. They are lost and they know it! What a
sad picture when it could have been so different!
13. What will happen to the mountains and islands at the second coming of Christ? Verse 14
14. How dazzling will be the coming of Christ? Matthew 24:27
15. Whose glory will add to the splendor of Christ's coming? Luke 9:26
16. Who will accompany Christ at His coming? Matthew 25:31
When one angel rolled back the stone from Christ's tomb, the Roman soldiers became as dead men, dazed by the angel's countenance
which was "like lightning" (Matthew 28:2, 3). Think of the splendor of "ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of
thousands" (Revelation 5:11) of angels coming with Christ! Indeed, He will come "with power and great glory" (Luke 21:27).
Satan tries to counterfeit Christ's second coming:
17. Whom did Christ say would appear doing great signs and wonders? Matthew 24:24
18. What specific warning did Christ give so we would not be deceived? Verses 26, 27
Suppose one evening as you turn on the TV the newscaster startles you with reports that "Christ" has returned to this earth -- that he is in
Palm Springs, working miracles and healing the sick; that thousands are flocking to see him; that he is a supernatural being; that men of
fame are kneeling before him and receiving his blessing. What would you do? Go out to see him? Bow down and worship him? Of course
not! You have read the texts warning against just such a deception. That is why we need to study the Bible. We must know for ourselves
what it teaches, or we are bound to be caught in this powerful delusion that takes the world captive!
19. Who only knows the day and hour of Christ's coming? Verse 36
20. At what hour will He come again? Verse 44
21. What warning did Christ give so that we might not be unaware of the nearness of His coming? Luke 21:34-36
22. What does the Bible tell us to do to be prepared for His coming? 2 Peter 3:9-14, 18
23. What will every man do who has this hope of the second coming? 1 John 3:2, 3
24. What will the righteous enthusiastically proclaim at Christ's coming? Isaiah 25:9
25. Soon our Lord will return. Is it the desire of your heart to be ready for His coming?