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About us...

Cedar Lane Chapel is a local congregation of dedicated, Bible based, born again, and Spirit filled Christians. We believe that God, our Creator, is the only true God; that His Son, Jesus Christ, is the only true Way to His salvation; and that the Holy Bible is the only unerring guide to the Savior. We believe that we are one small part of a world-wide movement (not just a denomination) which God is raising up in these last days. We believe that it is our duty and privilege to give the "everlasting gospel" message of Revelation 14 to "every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." You can learn more specific information about us from our "Mission and Beliefs Statement." BUT please remember that this is not a man made creed that we follow, but merely an attempt to share information with others about our organization.

We believe the best service we can render to God's people is to encourage them to study the Word of God, for themselves, and to diligently apply It's principles to their lives. There are churches all around us, but we are living in a time wen there is great need of the preaching and teaching of God's Word. There is much error and apostasy in the churches, but in this last hour of earth's history, God is calling His faithful people out of the darkness and into His marvelous light.

We would encourage you to take time from your busy schedule to know God and His Word. We hope this web site will be of great blessing to you in your Christian walk.

If you are ever in the Atlanta, Georgia area, we would love to have you come worship and fellowship with us at Cedar Lane Chapel. We are located 10 miles west of Franklin, Georgia; just off highway 34. Send us an email and let us know when you'll be coming. We will be glad to send you complete directions, more information about the Sabbath services, mid-week Bible study, or accomodations in the immediate area.

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