The Bible Says!
Lesson 8
"2300 Days!"
The longest of all prophecies dealing with time is the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel chapter 8. Found right in the midst of the other prophecies that we have studied, we can be sure of its significance and fulfillment. As we have seen these other prophecies which have already been fulfilled with such great detail, we can look with confidence to this prophecy as well.
Let us go right into our study and see the prophecy of the 2300 days.
1. What vision is being considered here? Daniel 8:13
"the vision concerning the daily _______________ to give both the ____________ and
the host to be trodden under foot?"
This vision has to do with the sanctuary and its services!
2. What question is asked about this vision? Daniel 8:13
"How __________ shall be the vision...?"
3. What is the answer that is given? Daniel 8:14
Remember the "day for a year" principle of Bible prophecy. This prophecy covers an amazing 2300 years of history!
4. What was to happen at the end of the 2300 year period? Daniel 8:14 (last part)
You will remember from your study of lesson number 7, "Salvation and the Sanctuary," that the cleansing of the sanctuary refers to the Day of Atonement. In the earthly sanctuary service, this was referred to as the yearly ministration; taking place once each year. The daily was a picture of the ongoing work of redemption, while the yearly was to take place once and for all at the end of the world.
5. Does Jesus still minister in our behalf? Hebrews 8:1
6. Where does He act as High Priest for us? Hebrews 8:2
7. Where is this true tabernacle located? Psalms 102:19
When Moses was instructed to build the tabernacle or sanctuary, he was shown a vision of the sanctuary in heaven. He was then told to build the tabernacle "according to the pattern" that he had been shown (see Hebrews 8:5). There is a real sanctuary in heaven, where Jesus ministers as our High Priest. By studying the earthly sanctuary service, we can learn about the ongoing ministry in our behalf.
8. What did the High Priest do on the day of atonement? Leviticus 16:18-20
a. "And he shall go out unto the altar that is before the Lord, and make an _________________ for it"
b. "And he shall sprinkle of the blood upon it with his finger seven times, and ___________ it, and hallow it from the _________________ of the children of Israel."
c. "And when he hath made an end of ________________ the holy place, and the tabernacle of the congregation, and the altar"
All of these represent the cleansing of the sanctuary from the sins of the people. As soon as the sinner brought a lamb to the outer court of the sanctuary and confessed his sin upon the head and slew the lamb he was forgiven of the sin. Immediately, it was if he had never sinned. We need to know, however, that the sins were not yet done away with. That persons sins were transferred into the sanctuary to await the final disposition of sin on the day of atonement. Jesus came to this world and died on the cross of Calvary in fulfillment of the symbol of the Lamb. But was this the end of the gospel? Is it the end of the plan of salvation?
9. What office did Jesus fulfill when He ascended into heaven? Hebrews 7:25
You should remember from lesson number 7, "Salvation and the Sanctuary," that Jesus first fulfilled the symbol of the Lamb, then he ascended into heaven to minister in the first apartment of the sanctuary (the holy place). This was the office of Intercessory Priest. There He would minister at the altar of incense. That incense would represent His righteousness mingled with the prayers of His people and would ascend to the throne of God. But was this the end of the sanctuary service? No, and it is not the end of the plan of salvation. Next Jesus would enter into the most holy place to cleanse the sanctuary. This would happen on the Antitypical day of atonement, at the end of the 2300 days of Daniel chapter 8.
10. Did the heavenly sanctuary really need to be cleansed like the earthly sanctuary? Hebrews 9:23
Remember it is our sins that defile the sanctuary. The cleansing of the sanctuary is part of God's great plan to rid the universe of sin.
11. When is this cleansing to take place? Daniel 8:14
Using the same formula that we have already seen work with the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, we begin at the year 457 BC and count forward 2300 years to the year 1844 AD. On this date, Jesus passed from the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, to the most holy place. There He began His work of judgment to cleanse the sanctuary of the sins of His people.

12. Why would there be judgment before the world is ended? Doesn't the judgment take place after this life? Revelation 14:7
"Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his __________________ IS COME."
There is a judgment that takes place at the end of the world, but let's consider this word judgment. If two people have a difference they go to a court of law for a judgment. When a person breaks the law, he is brought before the court for judgment. In a court, there are three kinds of judgment: 1] an
investigative judgment; 2] the decisive judgment or ruling; 3] and the executive judgment or the "execution" of the sentence. Surely it can be no
different in God's court. Would He make a decision without a proper investigation? Would He execute punishment without first making that decision?
Of course not. The judgment that is taking place right now in the heavenly sanctuary is the investigative judgment. Jesus, our advocate (lawyer), is
pleading each case before the very throne of the Father. If we are faithful and have His blood applied in our behalf, we will have our sins blotted out of
the heavenly sanctuary. Satan must then pay for that sin. But if we are not faithful and have not trusted our lives fully with God's dear Son, our names
will be blotted out of the Lamb's book of life (Revelation 3:5), and we will be left to pay for our own sins in the lake of fire, the second death (Revelation 21:8). The investigative judgment is taking place now, but there is soon coming a day when that judgment will end. All decisions will have been made and Jesus will proclaim: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." (Revelation 22:11).
13. What will be the very next thing to happen after that proclamation? Revelation 22:12
Notice this verse tells us that after the investigation and the decision, then Jesus comes and has the rewards with Him.
14. How are these rewards determined? Revelation 22:12
15. What happens after the cleansing of the sanctuary on the day of atonement? Leviticus 16:20 "And when he hath made an end of reconciling the holy place, tabernacle... he shall bring the ___________ goat."
They studied daily to see if what they were hearing was right or wrong. What a revolution would take place today in the religious world if those who attend the various churches of the land would begin to study the Bible to see if what is taught in their church is according to the Scriptures. Not everyone is interested in following the good example set by the Bereans. Let us make a covenant with God that we will use the same method to determine what is truth!
16. Whom do the goats represent? Leviticus 16
a. "one lot for the __________________"
b. "and the other lot for the _____________________."
The first goat is the Lord's goat; it represents Jesus Christ, who was slain for the sins of the people. The second goat represents Satan, who will
ultimately pay the sin debt for all those who have put their faith in Jesus.
17. What is done to this second goat? Leviticus 16:21
"And Aaron (the high priest), shall lay both his __________ upon the ____________ of the live goat, and _______________ over him all the iniquities (sins) of the children of Israel."
18. What is the very last thing that is done with the scapegoat? Leviticus 16:21-22
"and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the ___________________: ... unto a land not ________________________."
The goat which represents Christ is killed as Jesus would be killed, but the scapegoat, which represented Satan, was led out into the wilderness.
This wilderness represents the empty earth during the millennium. All of the redeemed are caught up to meet Jesus in the air. They remain with
Jesus as He returns to heaven. There they will reign with Him for a thousand years. The lost are all slain by the brightness of Jesus' coming and lie
dead upon the face of the earth, or in their graves. Meanwhile, Satan is left to wander to and fro in the Earth and contemplate what evil he has
wrought. At the end of the thousand years, the wicked dead are resurrected and they along with Satan will be destroyed by the fires of the second
death, Armageddon
19. When does Acts 3:19 tells us our sins can be blotted out?
"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of _____________________________ shall come from the presence of the Lord;"
20. What happens immediately after this blotting out of sin? Acts 3:20
"And he shall send _______________ ________________"
Right now, in the heavenly sanctuary, Jesus is going down the list of all the saints who have ever had their names enrolled upon the Lamb's book of
life. All are having their cases decided. They are having a trial. All who retain Jesus Christ as their Advocate, have Jesus pleading His blood in their
behalf. Soon every case will have been heard and the decisions will all be made. Then will come the execution of the judgment. Sin and sinners alike
will be destroyed in the lake of fire. Everyone will have something blotted out. One class will have their sins blotted out of the sanctuary, and the other
will have their names blotted out from the book of life. The Obvious question we must ask ourselves is which one of these groups will we be found?
Will Satan pay for the sins you have committed? Or will you have to pay for your own sins?
May God help us to accept the true plan of salvation, and not a counterfeit gospel!